Analytics Requirement Updates

On Jan. 18, 2023, the Web Services team made updates to better clarify the Analytics (11) requirements. This includes:

  1. Changing the name of both Analytics (11) requirements to be more descriptive.
  2. Editing/changing the language of both Analytics (11) requirements due to changes to the Google Analytics platform and missing information.
  3. Adding additional information regarding "accounts vs properties" under the Analytics, Redundant Account Access (11.1) requirement.

Despite these updates, the purposes of these requirements stay the same.

Requirement name changes

Previously, the names of the Analytics (11) requirements were as follows:

  1. Google Analytics (11.1)
  2. Google Analytics Account Permissions (11.2)

These names do not properly convey the contexts of each requirement, and despite their appearance, both requirements deal with "account permissions". Additionally, using "Google Analytics" in both names is redundant, as the Google Analytics platform is the only recommended analytics solution at this time. 

To remedy any confusion, the requirements have been renamed to Analytics, Redundant Account Access (11.1) and Analytics, Web Services Account Access (11.2).

Language edits & changes

Due to changes in the Google Analytics platform, language around giving users "Manage Users" access to a Google Analytics account no longer makes sense. This language has been changed to "administrator" access, as this access role includes permissions to manage users.

Additionally, the description of the Analytics, Redundant Account Access (11.1) requirement previously did not state that the two VCU domain accounts must have administrator access. Despite this omission, administrator access is required in order to follow this requirement's purpose.

Additional information

A new section for "accounts vs properties" has been added to the Analytics, Redundant Account Access (11.1) requirement to create a distinction between accounts and properties on the Google Analytics platform, like what each is used for and how their access permissions differ. This was added to ensure users do not only grant redundant and Web Services team access to properties.