11.1 Redundant Account Access

Websites using Google Analytics must grant at least two VCU domain accounts administrator access to its Google Analytics account.

Accounts vs properties

An account usually contains multiple properties; It acts as an "umbrella" of websites and is usually tied to a college, school, or academic/administrative department. A property is where you track analytics for an individual website. When you grant access to an account, the user also has access to all of its properties, whereas access to an individual property does not grant the user the same access to the account.

VCU domain accounts

A VCU domain account is often an account used when authenticating into VCU applications, such as myVCU; This is usually tied to your eID. This can also include VCU generic accounts, which are accounts made for teams to share (e.g. t4admin@vcu.edu or webservices@vcu.edu).


In the event that a user leaves the university, it is important to ensure Google Analytics account access is not lost. By requiring at least two VCU domain accounts to have administrator access to the account, this situation can be avoided.

11.2 Web Services Account Access

Websites using Google Analytics must grant webservices@vcu.edu administrator access to its Google Analytics account.


In the event that Google Analytics account access has been lost, granting webservices@vcu.edu administrator access to the account allows the Web Services team to restore access.