If the website contains sexually explicit content, a written warning statement is provided, and the content is accessible only through a password mechanism. General, Sexually Explicit Content (1.4)
If the website is a unit's primary web presence, it is not a blog. General, Blogs (1.5)
If the website is left out-of-date for 12 or more months, it will be moved to the VCU website archive or taken offline. General, Archival & Removal (1.7)
If the website showcases stats, metrics, or data, their sources are cited and/or on file, and have been reviewed for accuracy. General, Data Integrity (1.8)
A div with the id of “skip-links” with a series of skip links enclosed is included after the opening body tag of every page within the website. Accessibility, VCU, Skip Links (2.2.5)
The website loads an approved VCU branding bar at the top of every page and is not obstructed from view by visual elements. Branding, Branding Bar (3.1)
If the website is for a unit that serves a specific part of the university, the unit name is prefixed or used in conjunction with its title or parent unit. Branding, Unit Context (3.3)
4. Captioning
If the website contains audio/visual media intended for the general public or any VCU employee who has a relevant accommodation agreement on file with the ADA Coordinator, these materials have appropriate captioning. Captioning, General Public & Employees (4.1)
If the website contains audio/visual media provided by instructors for students, these materials have appropriate captioning or transcriptions Captioning, Students (4.2)
5. Content
The website has a link to the VCU homepage with the text "Virginia Commonwealth University" on every page. Content, VCU Homepage Link (5.1)
If the website is for a unit of the university that has a parent unit, a link to the parent unit is provided on every page. Content, Parent Unit Link (5.2)
If the website requires a content management system (CMS), the VCU approved content management platform, TerminalFour, is used. Content Management, CMS Platform (6.1)
Content that requires the user to download an external application from a mobile application store or download library must include download instructions and contact information to request the content in alternate formats. Mobile, Third Party Mobile Applications (9.6)
If the website contains pages that require authentication or forms requesting sensitive data, these pages send requests over SSL with a secure connection. Security, Authentication & Form Requests (10.3)
The website does not automatically redirect visitors to an external non vcu.edu domain. Security, Redirects (10.4)
11. Analytics
If the website is using Google Analytics, it grants at least two VCU domain accounts administrator access to its Google Analytics account. Analytics, Redundant Account Access (11.1)